Tips - Falcone Law
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Who doesn’t like free information. We get asked all kinds of questions all the time. These questions are great, because they give us topics for our tips, blogs and articles. Hopefully the information posted here will help you or at least point you in the right direction.

Many buyers and sellers arbitrarily choose a closing date. However, the choice of closing dates requires consideration of some important issues. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision: Fridays and ‘month-end’ are usually busiest for realtors, lawyers and financial institutions. If......

Purchasing a new home is the biggest transaction your family will undertake. In addition to the ‘sticker price’ of your new home, there are closing costs to prepare for: Legal Fees – contains guidelines on legal fees. However, the structure is not mandatory and......

While you are waiting for the keys to your new home, here’s what’s happening behind the scenes on closing day:  If you are getting a mortgage, your lawyer will be obtaining mortgage funds from the lender to combine with your down payment. Your lawyer will......

Title or mortgage fraud comes in varying forms, but usually involves a fraudster committing identity theft and transferring title to your home or placing a fraudulent mortgage on your home and disappearing with the proceeds. Your home is even more attractive to fraudsters if you......

You are generally exempt from paying HST on real estate if the property you are purchasing is BOTH: 1. Residential AND 2. Residential If you are buying new or substantially renovated residential property from a builder, then HST is payable on the transaction (although at......

In Ontario, the vast majority of residential real estate owned by 2 people is owned in one of two ways: Joint tenancy – Each person owns an equal share of the property; an undivided equal interest. Upon the death of any party, the other party......

In Ontario, when you are buying a new home then you are entitled to warranty coverage. The coverage is provided by TARION pursuant to the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act. There are some homes that are not covered, including condominium conversions from apartment or......

To be eligible to claim a refund on land transfer tax owing, a purchaser must be at least 18 years old and must occupy the home as their principal residence within 9 months after the date of the transfer. Also, the purchaser must be a......

Mortgage rates are at incredibly low levels right now. There are many reasons you may want or need to refinance your property, some of the most common reasons are: Your mortgage is up and it’s time to renew for another term (whether or not you’re......

Unless you are the only owner of the business, then the answer is always: Yes. When friends, relatives or even business associates decide to start a business together, the prospects often seem rosy.  However, as the business progresses there are inevitable questions, issues and disputes......